Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Why plant a church? Why not?

The Church of Jesus-Christ is made up of men and women of all ages, social standing, ethnic groups and languages. According to his bottomless Love, God wished his Church to hold all of humankind in its entirety, and it is up to his Church to become what it has been called to be.
Often, we encounter opposition to starting a new church due to the fact there are other churches in the area. We wonder whether this would create confusion amongst the other churches.But this is not a valid argument, it is better to think about the people that still do not recognize God's blessings in their life; for these people, typically balloted by circumstances they endure, it is well worth to give them the chance to know their Savior and Lord just as was offered to us, in their own culture and personal situation, wherever they are.
Because Jesus has not raised us to heaven, but instead came down from heaven to earth to meet us.
Have you met him yet?
(translated from French)
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Very cool! Thank you, Lord, for bringing Vincent this far in his journey to follow you into church leadership. Bless him and this church in every way imaginable. Thank you, Lord, for all you are about to do through Vineyard Church of Tourcoing!
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